Welcome to the East Midlands Technology Supply Chain
The TSC is a membership for manufacturing, engineering, technology and life sciences companies and those businesses and organisations who support them. We connect our members to innovation and growth opportunities by connecting them to innovation support, grants and new customers and suppliers.
Register Today

Grants & Funded Support
We will help you to find the grants and fully funded support available. Universities, Growth Hubs, catapults etc. offer fully funded projects as well as innovation, research and knowledge partnerships designed to help you grow your business, become more efficient, achieve Net Zero. etc.

Strategy and Restructure
We help companies with their financial strategy and re-structuring for growth. It is through bold innovative thinking that businesses grow and meet their ESG goals such as achieving net zero. Major changes (such as digitisation) need financing and we will find the right solution for you.

New Opportunities
Are you looking for new customers, new markets or new business opportunities? We have helped various manufacturing, life-sciences and technology firms to find new clients and enter new markets. We regularly share challenges and business opportunities with our members.
Our Impact
The TSC is creating positive change locally, nationally and globally. We leverage the support available to companies to create the maximum benefit for them, their community and the environment.

Our Vision
Our vision is to create a golden age for manufacturing, engineering, technology and life sciences companies in the East Midlands. This will bring jobs and prosperity to the region.

Our Mission
Our mission is to help our members to innovate and grow using the grants, fully funded projects and support available from organisations, universities, patrons, partners and other members.

Our Social Impact
By working with our partners, we have increased the Gross Value Added to companies by tens of millions and created hundreds of jobs. We have also helped members to become more energy efficient and reduce carbon emissions.
Meet our patrons and partners

Become a patron
We are currently accepting applications from successful companies who want to grow while meeting their ESG requirements. We only allow one parton per industry, so lock out your competition by applying today.
How we work
The Technology Supply Chain is different to other membership organisations. We proactively work with our members, partners and patrons to help them grow.

Discovery Meeting
TSC membership starts with a discovery meeting. During this, we will find out more about your business, your goals and the support you require. We then connect you with the right grants, fully funded support and new opportunities for you. We also support you with grant applications.

Diagnosis and Prescription
The next step on your growth journey is for the team to diagnose your barriers to growth and prescribe solutions. By identifying and addressing them, your growth is assured. Your discovery meeting helps you to cut costs, get grants and innovatve. This step is about super-charging growth in your business.

We organise a wide range of events from small roundtables and political dinners through well-attended workshops to sold-out rugby lunches with over 300 business leaders from the region. Our events focus on innovation and allow members to meet and uncover new opportunities.
Meet the East Midlands Teams
We have brought together a team of experts in grants, growth strategy, marketing and finance to help our members and partners to grow.

Jeff Caddick
Tel: 07453 214401

Steve Darnell
An engineer by background, Steve is an experienced business analyst and a veteran business development consultant.
Steve is responsible for discovery calls and helping Members Survive, Thrive, Scale and Exit Successfully.
Tel: 07961 803772
Become a member today
Choose the Membership plan right for you – if you’re not sure or would like more information about what we offer, please do contact us.
Executive Member
Our most advanced plan. Carefully selected referrals, exclusive connections, invitations to influential political dinners
Free workshops
TSC weekly newsletter
Exclusive sponsor opportunities
2 Innovation Awards Tickets
Discovery Meetings
Profile in the TSC newsletter
Invites to exclusive events
Direct connections to members
Networking events
Attend dinners and awards
Promotions at TSC events
Exclusive roundtables
Attend political dinners
Carefully selected referrals
Exclusive access to connections
2 spaces at the Innovation Awards
TSC Member
Over 4,000 people trust us to deliver opportunities to grow their business with a super package of benefits
Free workshops
TSC weekly newsletter
10% discount on sponsorship
20% off Innovation Awards
Discovery Meetings
Profile in the TSC newsletter
Invites to exclusive events
Direct connections to members
Networking events
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Attend dinners and awards
Promotions at TSC events
Exclusive roundtables
Attend political dinners
Carefully selected referrals
Exclusive access to connections
2 spaces at the Innovation Awards
Digital Member
Try our free membership today. Includes newsletters and invites to our free workshops. Upgrade anytime.
Free workshops
TSC weekly newsletter
Exclusive sponsor opportunities
Discount on tickets (10%)
Discovery Meetings
Profile in the TSC newsletter
Invites to exclusive events
Direct connections to members
Networking events
Attend dinners and awards
Promotions at TSC events
Exclusive roundtables
Attend political dinners
Carefully selected referrals
Exclusive access to connections
2 spaces at the Innovation Awards
What our members say...

Executive Member
Our most advanced plan. Carefully selected referrals, exclusive connections, invitations to influential political dinners
£1,800 a year
Includes 2 months
TSC Member
Over 4,000 people trust us to deliver opportunities to grow their business with a super package of benefits
£500 a year
Includes 2 months
Digital Member
Try our free membership now. Includes invites to our free workshops. Upgrade anytime.
£0 a year
Upgrade any time.